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What are people saying about Sketches of Leadership?

"Friends, our many years’ experience have shown that this resource is a very good resource for discipleship meetings with the students. Due to the format of the training, it helps students make discoveries by themselves and influences their learning process and growth.
In our movement, we use this resource :
1. Internship Program - All interns take this course.
2. Images of the Leadership  (3) – we studied at the conference for Christian students.
3. We use  the  other Sketches  for personal meetings with the students.
Friends, I would highly recommend you to take this course with Richard!
My personal opinion is that we would not have been able to dig so deeply on our own, and thanks to our trainings with Richard, the staff have grown, and I am a witness of how the students who took this course are  growing.

- Irena, training coordinator for Ukraine IFES

Really these sketches are highly appreciable and useful for building Christian leadership with very strong biblical insight, and these teaching are necessary for a learner.

- Pastor Shraban Kumar from Odisha India 

The CSC Moldova is in a continuous process of identifying and training new student leaders. For us Sketches of Leadership is a good tool to help staff in this process  for leadership training from scripture.
It always inspires, shapes and teaches us. 

Друзья, наш многолетний опыт показал, что этот ресурс –  очень хороший ресурс  для занятий по ученичеству со студентами. Из за формата занятия он помогает студентам самим делать открытия. Что влияет на их обучение и возрастание.
В нашем движении мы используем этот ресурс для:

  1. Стажерская программа – все стажеры проходят этот курс.

  2. Образы Лидера  (3) – рассмотрели на конференции для студентов – христиан. 

  3. Другие контуры используем для личных встреч со студентами.

Друзья, очень бы рекомендовала вами пройти этот курс вместе с Ричардом!
Мое личное мнение – мы бы так глубоко не смогли покопаться самостоятельно и благодаря нашим тренингам с Ричардом выросли и сотрудники, и я свидетель такого как выросли и студенты, которые проходили этот курс. 

- Ирэна, Координатор по развитию и обучению сотрудников ССХ Украина

ମୁଁ ପାଳକ ଶ୍ରବଣ କୁମାର, ଓଡିଶା, ଭାରତ ।
ପ୍ରକୁତରେ ଏହି ସ୍କେଚ୍ ଗୁଡିକ ଉଚକୋଟିର ଏବଂ ପ୍ରଶଂସନିଯ , ଖ୍ରୀଷ୍ଟିଯ ନେତୃତ୍ବ ଗଠନରେ ବହୁ ଉପଯୋଗି ଏବଂ ଏହିଠାରେ ଗଭିରତର ବାଇବଲ ଆଧାରିତ ଶିକ୍ଷା ଅଛି, ଓ ଯାହା ଏକ ଶିଷ୍ୟ ପାଇଁ ଅତି ଆବଶ୍ୟକ ଅଟେ।

CSC Moldova se află într-un proces continuu de identificare și formare a noilor studenți lideri. Pentru noi, Schițele ale Conducerii este un instrument bun pentru a ne ajuta  în acest proces de pregătire a conducerii bazată pe scripturi. Întotdeauna ne inspiră, formează și ne învață.